Art of Accounting: Deciding Who To Let Go | Accounting Today

Art of Accounting: Deciding who to let go By Edward Mendlowitz April 20, 2020, 10:00 a.m. EDT In normal times, ideally no one should be let go unless they are just not good. In these times, being practical means some may need to go. How do you decide? Small firms are businesses, but many are […]

Art of Accounting: Black History and Women’s History Months | Accounting Today

By Edward Mendlowitz February 24, 2020, 12:48 p.m. EST February is Black History Month and March is Women’s History Month. Here is some information about the first black CPA and the first woman CPA. John Cromwell Jr. became the first black CPA in 1921 in New Hampshire. He was a native of Washington, D.C., which had […]

Art of Accounting: Barry Melancon updated | Accounting Today

By Edward Mendlowitz AICPA president and CEO Barry Melancon gave his annual update at the Accountants Club of America on Feb. 4. This was a can’t-miss program for me and likely for all of the other attendees at the sold-out breakfast. An excellent article by Michael Cohn appeared that day reporting on the presentation. However, my interest […]

AICPA’s Melancon Addresses Need to Keep Pace with Technology, Warns of Licensing Threats | The Trusted Professional

By: Ruth Singleton Published Date: Feb 7, 2020 At the Accountants Club of America’s (ACA) “Annual Issues Breakfast,” Barry C. Melancon, the president and CEO of the American Institute of CPAs, discussed how the profession needs to evolve to match the pace of technology and warned of threats posed by some state governments to unwind the basic […]

AICPA CEO Melancon: CPA Licensing Under Threat | Accounting Today

American Institute of CPAs president and CEO Barry Melancon talked about the need for CPAs to learn new skills as hiring of accounting graduates has slowed and the CPA licensing model has come under threat in some states. “There’s a lot of action in the states,” Melancon noted during a speech Tuesday at a meeting […]

NCCPAP Honors Two With Gold Award | Accounting Today

The National Conference of CPA Practitioners announced that Karen Giunta and Sanford (Sandy) Zinman are the recipients of its 2019 Gold Awards. The lifetime achievement award recognizes CPAs with successful careers who are also “contributors, advocates, and selfless volunteers” to NCCPAP. Giunta has previously served as membership chair, treasurer, and president of the NCCPAP at […]

Accountants Work to Counter Climate Change | Accounting Today

Michael Cohn, Editor In Chief, Accounting Today Accounting groups are reacting to the latest reports about the accelerated pace of climate change as global warming reaches record levels. Against the backdrop of the United Nations’ 25th annual Conference of the Parties, or COP25, in Madrid, the International Federation of Accountants published a Point of View on climate […]

Voices Art of Accounting: A day in Manhattan | Accounting Today

  By Edward Mendlowitz November 04, 2019, 12:12 p.m. EST Last Wednesday I spent the day in Manhattan and some things occurred that I would like to share here. My primary reason was to attend a lunch meeting of the Accountants Club of America with a speaker I thought would be interesting. I also arranged to […]

Memorializing Donation in honor of Stu Kessler and George Foundotos

For those who wish to contribute in honor of two of our profession’s luminaries including roles as past Presidents of the Accountants Club and the New York State Society of CPAs, please see below: Stu Kessler Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation 383 Main Avenue, 5th Floor Norwalk CT 06851 Please have the gift acknowledge to: Isabel Kessler […]

Accounting Profession Leader Stuart Kessler Has Died

Stuart Kessler, CPA, PFS, a former president of the New York State Society of CPAs and the Accountants Club of America, chairman of the American Institute of CPAs, founding partner of Goldstein Golub Kessler and senior tax director at CohnReznick, has died. Kessler was frequently named among Accounting Today’s Top 100 Most Influential People in the […]