Good Times Are Here Again? | Joanne Barry, The CPA Journal

Good Times Are Here Again? By  Joanne S. Barry, CAE October 2017 Issue, Publisher’s Column | October 2017 It’s a great time to be a CPA firm. So says Marc Rosenberg in his foreword to the 2017 Rosenberg Survey. The annual practice management survey, now in its 19th year, provides a wealth of quantitative and qualitative […]

News from IMA Global & Community Relations Team Week ending 10/6

IMA CEO Jeff Thomson favors accountants over robots President and CEO Jeff Thomson unveiled a new campaign to emphasize the value of management accountants as more jobs fall prey to robots and automation. During a speech Monday at a meeting of the Accountants Club of America in New York, Jeff discussed how accountants can deal […]

Art of Accounting: One-partner businesses | Ed Mendlowitz

By Edward Mendlowitz, Accounting Today October 9, 2017 The reality of being a partner in a firm, regardless of the size, is that you are running a “one-partner business.” That is so since it is your responsibility to manage the relationship with your clients, staff it, see that the deliverable reaches the client on time and […]

Art of Accounting: Staff evaluations with and without time sheets | Edward Mendlowitz

By Edward Mendlowitz Published September 04 2017, 4:24pm EDT I have seen firms that use time sheets provide staff evaluations based on total chargeable hours, the ratio of chargeable hours to total hours, realization based on their time charges and sometimes collections per hour they charged. This is then compared to other staff at similar […]

Chief Value Officer: Accountants Can Save The Planet | The CPA Journal

By  Edward Mendlowitz, CPA/PFS, ABV News & Views, Featured, July 2017 Issue | August 2017 This short book addresses the very important topic of how to save the planet, and it presents the ways in which progress on that goal is compatible with businesses creating value for themselves. The book also highlights the importance of companies issuing […]

Is audit ready for blockchain? | Accounting Today

By Jeanne Boillet Published July 26 2017, 11:51am EDT The audit profession is eyeing blockchain. With capital markets and investors constantly demanding more information about businesses, it’s no surprise that the audit profession is looking at blockchain with interest. It could fundamentally change the nature of auditing by revolutionizing supply chains, payments and revenue streams […]

Art of Accounting: First-time partner, part 2 | Accounting Today

By Edward Mendlowitz Published July 24 2017, 1:11pm EDT You may or may not feel different the first day you wake up as a partner, but you will be different. People’s perceptions of you will have changed. You will now be a partner and as such an owner, a prestigious person within the profession and […]

Introducing the NYSSCPA’ s New 501(c)(3): The Moynihan Scholarship Fund | CPA Journal

By  Joanne S. Barry, CAE July 2017 Issue, Publisher’s Column, Featured July 2017 In 2015, the NYSSCPA leadership established the Moynihan Fund as a way to recognize the contributions of recently deceased past president David J. Moynihan. The fund would be composed of the two education-based initiatives that since their inception have been programs of the Society’s […]

CPA Trendlines: 22 Ways Blockchain Will Change the Accounting Profession Forever

Will you be ready? By Hitendra Patil Accountaneur: The Entrepreneurial Accountant Stock exchanges and banking systems have worked on similar fundamentals in handling and creating what are known as “non-repudiable” transaction records: straight-through processing (STP), electronically connected networks of intermediaries in their “ecosystem,” etc.  But unlike bitcoin, the stock exchange and banking systems are highly […]