Shake It Off

written by Collemi Consulting & Advisory Services Conquer your fear of public speaking and present like a pro Do you have glossophobia? It’s the fear of public speaking, and the chances are pretty good that you have it. Surveys indicate that few businesspeople are immune to the fear of public speaking, with between 72 to […]

It’s Time For Year-End Audits

written by Collemi Consulting & Advisory Services Are you prepared? The end of the year traditionally starts the “busy season” for external auditors. But all of the hectic activity is no reason to neglect a highly-developed, measured, and methodical year-end strategic audit plan. In addition to fulfilling the CPA firm’s own quality control policies and […]

Learn More About ACA’s New President

Edward Mendlowitz highlights Natasha Kosnac’s journey and vision for the Accountants Club of America in his article, “AT Think Art of Accounting: Accountants Club’s New President.” Read the full article here.

The buzz about private equity investing in accounting firms

written by Robert Fligel   What’s all the buzz about private equity and other investor interest in public accounting firms. This all started around 3 years ago when Citrin Cooperman and Eisner did transactions with private equity. I must confess that I wasn’t a true believer at the time having seen unsuccessful iterations of CPA […]

Firms slowly return to offices while giving employees flexibility

Accounting firms, like many businesses, are reopening their doors as the COVID-19 pandemic recedes thanks to wide availability of vaccines in the U.S., but they’re trying to avoid alienating staff. Firms have been welcoming back employees who have been working from home for over a year, but giving them options to keep working remotely, if […]

Accountants look to educate younger generation in latest tech skills | Accounting Today

By Michael Cohn October 28, 2020, 5:02 p.m. EDT Institute of Management Accountants president and CEO Jeff Thomson told an online meeting Wednesday of the Accountants Club of America about how the profession can appeal more to young people by emphasizing technology know-how in areas like data analytics and data science. “This really is a race […]

Myrna L. Fischman, PhD, Presented with the Albert Nelson Marquis Lifetime Achievement Award by Marquis Who’s Who

Myrna L. Fischman, PhD, Presented with the Albert Nelson Marquis Lifetime Achievement Award by Marquis Who’s Who Dr. Fischman has been endorsed by Marquis Who’s Who as a leader in the fields of finance, law, accounting and taxation A licensed certified public accountant in the state of New York, Dr. Myrna L. Fischman is also […]

COVID-19 Has Slowed Mergers, But Market is Still Active | Robert Fligel, The Trusted Professional

By: Chris Gaetano Published Date: Jul 9, 2020 Robert Fligel, a consultant specializing in CPA firms who spoke at a recent NYSSCPA CPE event, said that while the global pandemic has slowed merger-and-acquisition activity among CPA firms, it has by no means stopped, and there remain many opportunities for owners looking to sell or merge […]

PPP Payback Deadline May Have Unintended Consequences by Walter Primoff, CPA/PFS, CGMA | The CPA Journal

PPP Payback Deadline May Have Unintended Consequences CPAs Should Revisit Advice Given to Clients April 2020 To supplement its Payroll Protection Program (PPP) Rules, the Small Business Administration (SBA) regularly issues PPP frequently asked questions (FAQ) in numerical order, easily found from the “red line” across the Treasury Department homepage. On April 23, the SBA […]

Art of Accounting: Deciding Who To Let Go | Accounting Today

Art of Accounting: Deciding who to let go By Edward Mendlowitz April 20, 2020, 10:00 a.m. EDT In normal times, ideally no one should be let go unless they are just not good. In these times, being practical means some may need to go. How do you decide? Small firms are businesses, but many are […]